
Paper 1 assessment learner response

 grade:6 www: Able to identify magazine and advertising conventions to some extent also knowledge of film industry  EBI: more specific subject terminology needed for unseen advert revise context for tatler csp  Q2)Typography       Non-verbal codes       Colour palette Q3)       Todorov's theory of equilibrium       propp's character theory        levi strauss theory of binary opposites  Q4) Use of green colour scheme Cover image reflects British culture’s interest in stately homes References to royalty / aristocracy       Q5) Section of the Marvel website with gallery, story synopsis, character posters and opportunities to buy or stream the movie. Marketing Black Widow was a challenge due to the Covid pandemic and it therefore did not make as much money at the box office as other Marvel films despite this marketing and promotion. Social media profiles on TikTok, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. Social media and YouTube advertising was also heavily used by Marvel to promote the

Coursework preliminary exercise

  1) Write a 100 word statement of intent explaining what you are going to make for your preliminary exercise. I intend to create a advert that lasts 40 seconds to a minute in length one of the adverts will show the unhealthy ingredients in coffee like sugar because coffe is a popular drink that people study from we will then introduce our drink and explain the health benifits whilst also being very useful whn studdying  then our advert will end with a pack shot and a slogan we will use a variety of different camera shots like a over the shoulder shot of the student working we will also use a close up of the coffee and also a pack shot . 2) Write a  script  for your preliminary exercise on your blog. This needs to include stage directions AND dialogue.  3)Casting : Who will be in your preliminary exercise advert a family member or friend    4) Plan your  locations : Where you will film your preliminary exercise at home 5) Write your  shot list : every shot you plan to film   over the s

Summer Project coursework planning

  Innocent Drinks 1) What is the  unique selling point  of the product?  the health benefits 2) What  audience  do you think this is aimed at? Add as much detail as possible (e.g. demographics, psychographics) and explain  why . people aged 15-30 who care about their health and who want to achieve as much as possible  3) What do you notice about the  technical construction  of the advert? Pick out one thing you like about the advert from camerawork, editing, sound or mise-en-scene. You may want to focus on TV advert  conventions  such as voiceover for example.  the editing to make the fruit go into the bottle to show the ingredients  4) What  representations  can you find in the advert? This may be representations of people or groups or perhaps the brand itself. it is a brand that helps the poorer nations and does charitable acts  Lucozade 1) What is the  unique selling point  of the product? it gives you a boost of energy  2) What  audience  do you think this is aimed at? Add as muc

radio index

radio 1 kiss breakfast show  

Radio 1 Launch

  Historical, social and cultural contexts 1) What radio stations were offered by the BBC before 1967? 2) How was BBC radio reorganised in September 1967? What were the new stations that launched? 3) What was pirate radio and why was it popular? pirate radio was were a group of people played music illegally and it was popular because they could play whatever music they wanted for as long as they wanted  4) Why did pirate radio stop broadcasting in 1967?  the   government made a law that meant the ships weren't allowed to just stay in between England and France without a pu rpose  5) How did the BBC attract young audiences to Radio 1 after pirate radio stations were closed down? they got many of there djs like tony Blackburn  6) What was 'needle time' and why was it a problem for BBC Radio? needle time was a law that meant they could only play music for 5 hours and this was a problem as pirate radio was playing music all day so people would rather listen to that  7) How did

KISS FM Breakfast show CSP

  1) Read page 2. What is KISS FM's mission? to get a younger audience  2) Look at page 3. What is the target audience for KISS FM? As well as writing the key statistics from the media pack, try and suggest what  psychographic groups  would fit the KISS audience too. The KISS audience is a 15-34, 60/40 Female to Male split psychographic groups are teenagers  that mainly live in city's  3) Now look at page 5 - The KISS network. How does KISS use digital media and technology to reach its audience?  frequently posting on social media platforms 4) Now look at the other side of page 5. What content do KISS Fresh and KISSTORY offer and how can audiences access those stations?   kiss fresh -  KISS FRESH is where you’ll find exclusive first plays of the biggest track from some of the hottest artists and producers in the industry. it is available on DAB kisstory - KISSSTORY spins the very best Old-school  and Anthems from R’n’B, Dance,  Garage and Hip Hop, expect to hear tracks from Bey

His Dark Materials: Audience and Industries

  Audience 1) Read this  audience rating guide for His Dark Materials . Based on the screening and this article, who do you think the target audience is for His Dark Materials and why? What about psychographic groups?  You can  revise Pyschographics here . Target audience: people aged 14 as the main characters are a similar age  psychographic group: interested  in science , adventure  or nature  2) What audience pleasures are offered by His Dark Materials - The City of Magpies? Apply Blumler and Katz's Uses and Gratifications theory to the episode. Make sure you provide specific examples from the episode to support your ideas. Personal Identity:  Personal Relationships:  Diversion (Escapism): a made up world with very little relation to our world 3) Thinking of the 3 Vs audience pleasures (Visceral, Vicarious and Voyeuristic pleasures), which of these can be applied to His Dark Materials? Refer to specific scenes or moments in the episode to explain your answer.  Visceral : When