1) What key conventions of TV advertising can you find in the Galaxy advert? pack shot, logo, narrative, tag line, actor, location 2) What is the key message the Galaxy advert is communicating about its chocolate? The slogan for the advert will help you with this question. By using the term silk this describes the feeling you will have eating galaxy over other brands and compares silk, which is positive and cotton which isnt. 3) Who is Audrey Hepburn and w hy did Galaxy select Audrey Hepburn for this advert? Audrey Kathleen Hepburn was a British actress. Recognised as a film and fashion icon. Galaxy used Audrey Hepburn to create nostalgia, to increase awareness of the brand and promote sales. 4) What is intertextuality? when a piece of media references another piece of media 5) What Audrey Hepburn films are suggested in this advert and how is this effect created (e.g. mise-en-scene - CLAMPS: cos...